Commodore was a major player in the micro-computer era of the
eighties and early nineties. If not for a
series of unfortunate management decisions that led to Commodore's premature
demise many believe
they could have continued their dominance to this day. Their computers ushered
in a generation of technology enthusiasts, who grew up with and loved the brand
and models. These models and their features inspired many hardware tinkerers, programmers and technologists.
There continues to be a huge cult following for the various generations of
Commodore computers produced, with countless websites devoted to them, and
thousands of enthusiasts who regularly meet at annual events all around the
Commodore USA, LLC,
recently secured licensing rights to both the Commodore and AMIGA brands and
will be releasing a series of all-in-one computers, desktops, notebooks and
tablets in the coming years and months. We believe these much loved icons of the
golden age of computing
continue to have value and we will endeavor to produce competitive and
innovative products in a manner befitting their heritage. We are excited to
bring back the Commodore 64 (the greatest selling computer model of all time) as
a modern keyboard computer suitable for every day usage. It also gives us great
pleasure to reboot the famous AMIGA line of computers with the cutting edge
technology you would expect in today's personal computers.
Commodore USA, LLC was
founded by Barry Altman in April of 2010, with the express purpose of reviving and
re-establishing the famous Commodore computer brand. We are Commodore and AMIGA
fanatics, just like many of you. We ask ourselves what could
have been, and we are appalled by Apple revisionism. Commodore is back, and
we're determined to bring the much loved brand back to the mainstream and restore its prominence
in the tech industry to that which it richly deserves.
It ain't over 'till we say so.