"Beautiful, High-Performance, Home
Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."
This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the legendary AMIGA's birth. A personal
computer far ahead of its time. It gives us great pleasure restore this icon from
the micro-computer era to the forefront of technology and bring it back to
consumer consciousness once more. We seek to introduce a new generation to the
AMIGA and insprire them with its capabilities and possibilities.
At Commodore USA, our goal is to restore the AMIGA brand to its former glory.
Our mission is to produce "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for
Creativity and Entertainment". Our reboot and re-imagining of the clasic AMIGA
line-up will showcase the latest and greatest Personal Computer Hardware and
Operating System technology available today.
Our modern day AMIGA incarnation will feature "Commodore OS", a
distinctive, attractive, advanced and stable Operating System experience, that
will come pre-loaded with dozens of the latest and greatest productivity and
creativity software the open source world has to offer. Featuring dozens of
exciting 3D games, the latest web browsing technology, a Microsoft Word
compatible Office Suite, advanced graphical manipulation programs, 3D raytracing
software, advanced software development tools and languages, photo and movie
editing and sound and music composition programs, there is no task too big or
too small for an AMIGA to accomplish. Commodore OS will also be classic Commodore
compatible, with the cability to run classic 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit era software via
emulation. Our next generation AMIGA also provides optimum software flexibility
by providing the option to run Windows software either from a dual boot menu at
start up, or seamlessly integrated within Commodore OS itself.